Monday, March 16, 2015

SVA Presents "Will Eisner's Gallery"

Eisner Began teaching at The School of Visual Arts in 1973. In 1974 Eisner Began Publishing Will Eisner's Gallery, an annual comics magazine featuring various works by his students. The covers would feature The Spirit (and occasionally another related character such as P'Gell or Ebony) which Eisner would draw while his students drew various parts of the rest of the cover.
(Due to the low number of copies published, I was unable to locate scans of every cover. So far I've located  #1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14 and 16. If you have a scan of any other issues please share them in the comments below and i will update accordingly.)

For more information on Eisner's time at SVA

Eisner released 2 books based on his seminars at SVA: Comics and Sequential Art and Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative .


  1. I was a Co-Editor of #5,and inked most of the cover (except the 2 main figures and bench) and drew the Power Master story in that issue!

  2. I also pencilled all the different characters on the cover except the 2 main ones...
